Hampton Roads Base US Submarine Veterans Inc.
Private "Member Area" Access Qualifications
To gain access to this private area:
You need to be a Member in good standing of the Hampton Roads Base of the USSVI.org. Your email address at login must match the one on file in the current base roster held by the Treasurer. If for some reason you now have an email address other than the one you provided on your membership application, you should contact the Base Treasurer via email at: treasurer.ussvi.hrb@gmail.com ) and update your contact information, who will in turn inform me of the change.
Click 'Members Only' button to Create an Account and access the Member area:
Your profile will be created/added to the Member Area the 1st time you log in after approval.
You may add photos and banner pics to your profile and may add a Bio as well. Click on your account, find Edit profile to add pictures, and to add a bio click the 3 little dots to the Right of the 'About' area. Tell your shipmates about yourself. They want to get to know you.